Monday, May 16, 2011

Suburban Empire

Suburban Empire, an up and coming clothing company out of New York, is not just any clothing company, but one with a mission to help those in need. Blake Berg, the founder of Suburban Empire looks to contribute profits to homeless funds, going green, autisim, aids, breast cancer, and battered wives causes.

"Ive always wanted to start my own clothing line and express myself through the clothing. Clothing speaks alot about a person and I want Suburban Empire to speak alot about me. I want it to be more then a clothing line, I want it to be a movement and I want it to bring a sense of peace and unity between our communities."

Clothes with a cause, help build the Empire! Check out their Facebook HERE.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Darin Alcolea

Darin Alcolea killing it on his skateboard.

Darin Alcolea Likes to Play Skateboards from Ryan Sheetz on Vimeo.

Vote to get Burlington a new concrete skatepark!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


This guy is rad! Does anyone still do this stuff or what? Probably one of the best ideas ever... ski patrol must love it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Burlington Skatepark!

Please vote to get Burlington a new skatepark! You can vote 3 times a day!

Zoe Mayers

Jakes little sister Zoe killing it

Zoe Mayers Season Edit from Zoe Mayers on Vimeo.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1st at Sugarbush

If you weren't riding today you definitely missed out, or hopefully you were out enjoying this beautiful day anyway.

Grass gaps, rocks, logs, moguls and some homies.

Add Suburban Empire on FACEBOOK!